terça-feira, 4 de agosto de 2009

Lets Go Marina

Lets Go Marina

Dear Friends,The Green Party of Brazil is going through a very important moment and we need help from all of you. We are trying to bring to the Green Party of Brazil, Senator Marina Silva, former Minister of Environment. Some meetings have been held to examine the viability of her coming and she was very interested in the proposal. We know that the international community has a high admiration for her work and dedication to environmental causes. Thus, we would like to ask to each green, around the world, to help us in the campaign that we are launching: "Lets go Marina."In 2010 we will have elections in Brazil and we are fighting for Mariana to run for President in our party and put on the agenda the environment debate and call the attention for the Amazon Forest destruction. We are asking for our greens, in each country, to s end an email (at this address: contatomarinasilva@uol.com.br) with your name and country, demanding her to be part of this great global green family. The email may be in English or Spanish. The greens in Brazil are making a small step that will place large global impact. We are acting locally and count on you to make this a global action.Thank you!

Best Regards,

Um comentário:

  1. You may find a Portuguese version of the article on Marina Silva by Bernadete Beserra at http://bernadetebeserra.blogspot.com/2008/05/sumerianas.html

    "Globalização, Mulheres e Utopia: o Exemplo de Marina Silva"
