Chère Marina, Dear Marina,
Please come to the Green Party of Brazil to lead one of the best organized Green Party in the World since they organized the last Global Green in Sao Paulo May 2008 which was a success because we have updated a new Global Green Chart and adopted new proposals to live better and greener on our Planet. Be the Obama of Brazil who will change the world: Yes you can!
Oui Marina, tu peux changer le monde en adhérant au Parti vert du Brésil! Vas-y!! Soies la Obama du Brésil qui changera le monde!
Jean Cloutier
former Québec-Canada delegate at Global Green Sao Paulo 2008
fomer chairman-president of Québec Region for Green Party of Québec
former president of Québec Association of Green Party of Canada
former candidate for mayor for the municipal green party Le Défi Vert de Québec
former member of the International Committee of Green Party of Canada
Chairman of the ANNUAL MEETING OF THE FEDERATIOON OF GREEN PARTIES OF AMERICAS (FPVA) in Québec City November 2008 and delegate for Canada at FPVA
quarta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2009
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