segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2009

NYT: A Child of the Amazon Shakes Up a Nation’s Politics

FOR Marina Silva, life began in the heart of the Amazon. From the age of 11, she walked nine miles a day helping her father collect rubber from trees.
These days, as an icon in the environmental movement, she has dedicated her life to protecting that same rainforest.
Illiterate and seriously ill from hepatitis, Ms. Silva left her home when she was 16 and headed by bus to the city of Rio Branco seeking medical care and an education. There she learned how to read and write, graduated from college and became a teacher and a politician.

She worked closely with her friend Chico Mendes, the rubber tapper and environmental activist, before he was gunned down in 1988 by ranchers opposed to his activism. When Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was elected Brazil’s president in 2002, he picked Ms. Silva to be his environmental minister, and on her watch Brazil devised a national plan to combat deforestation and created an indigenous reserve roughly the size of Texas.
Last week Ms. Silva shook up Brazilian politics by announcing that, after nearly three decades, she was leaving Mr. da Silva’s Workers’ Party to join the Green Party, where she is likely to be its candidate in next year’s presidential election.
Her story — that of a humble woman who overcame extreme poverty and illness to become a force in Brazilian politics — could prove an inspiration to Brazilians in their search for a president to replace the popular Mr. da Silva, himself a product of humble beginnings, political analysts said.
“Marina is a person that earned her own wings, and it is not surprising to discover that those who have wings can fly,” said Jorge Viana, the former governor of Acre, Ms. Silva’s home state.
Her candidacy would pit her against Dilma Rousseff, President da Silva’s chief of staff and his choice to succeed him. Political analysts say the two women have been at odds since 2003 over the country’s economic development policy, including energy projects that Ms. Silva has questioned for environmental reasons.
Ms. Silva has “shaken up the race, mixed up all the cards,” said David Fleischer, a political science professor at the University of Brasília.
If either woman wins, history will be made. Brazil has never had a woman as president. In addition, the country has never had a black president; Ms. Silva is black.
Ms. Silva resigned as environmental minister last year, after expressing concerns that the government might give in to pressure from business interests to ease off emergency measures she put in place to counteract a jump in Amazon deforestation. She returned to the national Senate, where she continued to press her environmental agenda.
IN an interview here, Ms. Silva, 51, said she grew frustrated with the internal struggle to persuade members of the Workers’ Party to pursue a more sustainable economic development strategy.
“With the opportunity to try to construct this new future for Brazil and for the planet, I prefer to put my hopes in this movement,” she said of her switch to the Green Party.
While many admire her, some political analysts say they believe that Ms. Silva’s past serious health problems could become a political liability in a presidential contest. Hepatitis, malaria and heavy metals contamination have caused her to be hospitalized for long stretches.
Concerns about Ms. Rousseff’s chemotherapy treatment for a melanoma have dogged her in recent months and led some supporters of Mr. da Silva to urge him to back a different candidate for his successor. Brazilians still remember the case of Tancredo Neves, a popular president-elect who became severely ill in 1985 and died before taking office.
Still, Ms. Silva has spent a lifetime proving doubters wrong.
BORN in Seringal Bagaço, a small community of rubber tappers in Acre, Ms. Silva was one of 11 children, three of whom died. The family’s nearest neighbor lived about an hour away on foot through the thick forest. Reaching Rio Branco, about 43 miles away, sometimes took a week during the rainy season, when the family car would get stuck in the muddy road, she said.
Disease was common in the Amazon, and it took its toll on her family. Her mother died when Ms. Silva was 11. Two younger sisters later died with measles and malaria.

At 11, she began working with her father as a rubber tapper. They would typically leave the house at 5 a.m. and return about 12 hours later. To increase the family’s productivity, her father would go to one area of the forest and she and her sisters to another.
To keep her from being robbed or tricked by rubber buyers, her father taught her simple mathematics at an early age, she said.
After Ms. Silva became ill with hepatitis, she resolved to head to Rio Branco to find treatment. She wanted to become a nun and study.
She enrolled in a course for illiterate adults, worked as a maid and soon finished primary school. During vacation breaks, she returned to her father’s home and helped him collect rubber.
She dropped her idea of becoming a nun and entered college, graduating at 26 with a history degree.
While at the university, she joined the Revolutionary Communist Party, a clandestine group working to oppose Brazil’s military dictatorship.
During that period, she met Mr. Mendes, a rubber tapper who organized workers to warn about the dangers of burning and clearing the forest and about the displacement of traditional Amazon communities.
Ms. Silva joined Mr. Mendes’s movement, which involved peaceful demonstrations, and it led her into politics. After being elected a town councilwoman in Rio Branco, she went on to become a state legislator and a federal senator.
With her staunch advocacy of the Amazon, Ms. Silva “was clearly the candidate of the Brazilian environmental movement,” said Steve Schwartzman, the director of tropical forest policy at Environmental Defense Fund in Washington and a longtime friend.
“Marina was part of the movement that made the Amazon and deforestation and the possibility of a different development model a national issue in Brazil in a way it had never been before,” he said.
Her advocacy won her acclaim from international environmental groups around the world, which say that clearing of the forest for Brazilian industries could be affecting global climate change. Although deforestation continues, the rate slowed significantly from 2004 to 2007.
But in May 2008 Ms. Silva resigned her position, blaming “stagnation” within the government on its environmental policy. She had become increasingly isolated in Mr. da Silva’s government over her criticism of some proposed hydroelectric dams and of genetically modified crops.
STILL, most of the policies she set in motion have continued, environmentalists said.
She credited Mr. da Silva, whom she considers a “living hero” along with Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama, for Brazil’s progress on protecting the environment. But she said the government must preserve the advances it had made.
“I was fortunate to achieve some things, but they were far short of what Brazil and the world needs us to do,” she said.

sexta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2009

Marina Silva joins the Brazilian Green Party promising defend sustainable development

Marina Silva joins to the Brazilian Green Party promising defend sustainable development

The Senator and former Brazilian Environment Minister Marina Silva, joined the Brazilian Green Party on Sunday (30) during a national meeting attended by over one thousand people in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Before a crowd of activists from all over Brazil who sings the slogans "urgent Brazil, Marina president (Brasil Urgente, Marina Presidente)," the senator signed the Green Party membership form saying she was honored by the invitation of the Brazilian Green Party and felt thrilled with the reception of militancy, but the senator declined to comment on his possible candidacy for president. "My decision will only be in 2010." Along with national leaders, Brazilians ministers, parliament members from the federal and state government, artists, intellectuals and the representative of the Greens in the European Parliament, Catherine Greeze, Marina Silva was keen to stress the importance of the issue of sustainability as a strategy for all parties and acknowledged that the Brazilian Green Party pioneered in Brazil in the introduction of environmental issues in discussions of public policy. The Senator, Marina Silva vowed to work for sustainable development of the Brazil and the protection of the environment, considering the economic and social variables. The senator also argued that the Brazilian Green Party to carry the banner of political ethics
The membership form of Marina Silva was accredited with the signatures of Elenira Mendes, the daughter of Chico Mendes, the rubber tapper leader killed in 1988, José Luiz Penna, national president of the Brazilian Green Party, Fernando Gabeira, a federal deputy (PV-RJ) and Eduardo Jorge Secretary of Green and the Environment of São Paulo. The Federal Congressman, Sarney Filho (PV-MA) explain that Marina Silva became one important member in the Brazilian political scene. "We are living a historic moment with the affiliation of the greatest expression of sustainability in Brazil" In the assessment of International Relations Secretary of the Brazilian Green Party, president of the FVHD and member of the Global Greens Steering Committee, Marco Antonio Mroz, the membership of Marina Silva is an opportunity to promote unity between the green parties in the world to build a policy proposal which puts Brazil in the XXI century. "We are a country of immense diversity, environmental and socio-cultural, which allows us to dialogue with all sectors and the arrival of Marina Silva will strengthen our alliances with all segments of society"

terça-feira, 25 de agosto de 2009

Marina Silva ou les ambitions présidentielles d'une enfant de l'Amazonie

Marina Silva ou les ambitions présidentielles d'une enfant de l'Amazonie

Après trente années de lutte au nom du Parti des travailleurs, en défense de l´environnement et de l´Amazonie où elle est née, Marina Silva ne baisse pas les bras

Annie Gasnier

Au nom de l'environnement, qu'elle défend avec ferveur depuis des années, l'ancienne ministre du président Lula a quitté le Parti des travailleurs au pouvoir. Elle espère être plus écoutée du Parti vert, où elle devrait entrer prochainement.Après trente années de lutte au nom du Parti des travailleurs, en défense de l´environnement et de l´Amazonie où elle est née, Marina Silva ne baisse pas les bras. Mais cette forte femme au physique fragile, respectée dans le monde entier pour son combat titanesque, vient de quitter le Parti des travailleurs (PT), « sa maison politique », pour une nouvelle aventure. Vraisemblablement au sein du petit Parti vert (PV), ce qui devrait être officialisé à la fin du mois d´août, pour devenir candidate à l´élection présidentielle d´octobre 2010.Dans sa lettre adressée au président du Parti des travailleurs, Marina Silva reste élégante et ne verse pas dans l´amertume. La sénatrice explique s'être sentie à l´étroit dans un parti au pouvoir où elle ne trouvait plus « les conditions politiques pour placer l´environnement au cœur des politiques publiques du gouvernement ». Marina Silva défend que « l´environnement ne devrait plus être un sujet périphérique, mais transversal », en concédant que ce n´est facile pour aucun gouvernement.Ministre, elle « avale des couleuvres »Pour avoir été, durant cinq ans et demi, la ministre de l´Environnement du Brésil, elle sait de quoi elle parle. En tant que fondatrice du PT en Amazonie, compagne de lutte du militant assassiné Chico Mendes, et amie du président Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, sa nomination en 2003 avait parue naturelle. Ce choix semblait aussi envoyer un message à la communauté internationale, le PT proche des écologistes, défendant une nouvelle vision dans ce domaine.Mais le bilan de sa gestion a révélé les difficultés d´élever l´environnement au rang de priorité. La ministre dut « avaler beaucoup de couleuvres » aux dires des militants verts, comme la légalisation des OGM (Organismes génétiquement modifiés) et l'instauration de grands chantiers, routes et barrages hydroélectriques, en pleine forêt tropicale.Son aura n'en a pourtant pas souffert, et du Sénat, elle poursuit sa lutte, s'insurgeant récemment contre une loi dite « MP 458 » qui a légalisé, et donc privatisé, des millions d´hectares de terres publiques en Amazonie. Dans le premier sondage où elle apparaît, Marina Silva est seulement créditée de 3% des intentions de votes, mais tous les observateurs s'accordent à dire qu'elle va vite progresser. Et dans les allées du pouvoir, elle provoque déjà des craintes pour celle qui est la dauphine de Lula, Dilma Rousseff.Radicalement différentesTout oppose ces deux femmes à la longue expérience politique, et quand elles étaient ministres ensemble, elles défendaient des positions radicalement différentes. « Marina » était même présentée (et raillée par Lula) comme celle qui gênait l´ouverture des grands chantiers du Plan d´accélération de la croissance, dirigée par « Dilma », signant trop lentement les autorisations de conformité aux lois de l´environnement.Marina Silva risque de voler des voix à la probable candidate de Lula car elle est plus connue, plus populaire, plus sympathique que Dilma Rousseff. Et puis, elle a une histoire personnelle, digne de celle du président syndicaliste ouvrier.Née dans une plantation de caoutchouc, alphabétisée à l´adolescence, préparée au couvent avant de se convertir au militantisme écologique et politique, elle est entrée sur la scène politique nationale au Sénat, où elle est réélue depuis 15 ans.Le chemin qui s´ouvre devant Marina Silva ne manque pas d´embûches : le Parti vert compte peu d´élus mais d´illustres membres, comme le chanteur et ex-ministre de la Culture, Gilberto Gil, et il intègre la coalition gouvernementale, où son discours écologique apparaît peu.Cependant, la présence de Marina Silva est qualifiée « d´oxygénation » pour la campagne présidentielle à venir. Adversaire ou pas, elle va forcer les candidats pressentis : le gouverneur social démocrate José Serra, et la ministre Dilma Rousseff, à mettre du vert dans leur discours.

sexta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2009

The Guardian-Brazil's former environment minister leaves ruling party over 'destruction of natural resources'

Marina Silva is expected to make a 2010 presidential bid and put the environment back on the

Brazil's former environment minister, the rainforest defender Marina Silva, has resigned from the ruling Workers' party, paving the way for a 2010 presidential bid, which supporters hope will put the environment back on the political agenda of South America's largest country.For weeks speculation has been growing that Silva, who resigned from government last May after a dispute over the development of the Amazon region, would defect to the Green party in order to dispute the presidential elections next October.Speaking at a press conference in Brasilia earlier today, Silva, who has been a Workers' party member for over 30 years, said politicians had failed to give sufficient attention to the environmental cause.In her resignation letter to the president of the Workers' party, Silva said her decision was an attempt to break with the idea of "development based on material growth at any cost, with huge gains for a few and perverse results for the majority" including "the destruction of natural resources".She added that "political conditions" had meant that "environmental concerns had not been able to take route at the heart of the government."Silva, 51, stopped short of formally announcing a presidential bid but few doubt that she will now front the Green Party's 2010 election campaign.The Brazilian media has been overtaken with Marina mania since earlier this month when rumours about a possible bid for the presidency began spreading. This week one major news magazine stamped Silva's photograph onto its front-page alongside the headline: "President Marina?"Writing in the O Globo newspaper yesterday, the influential columnist Zuenir Ventura said Silva could bring a touch of Barack Obama to the Brazilian elections."Marina excites young people, those who are disenchanted with the current situation [and] with the Workers' Party … in such a way that she could create a spontaneous and contagious movement within society … as innovative as that which occurred in the US with Obama," he wrote.Born in an impoverished community of rubber tappers in the remote Amazon state of Acre, Silva was orphaned at 16 and was illiterate until her early teens.In 1994, aged 35, she was elected as Brazil's youngest ever female senator and subsequently became renowned for her staunch defence of the Amazon rainforest and its inhabitants, winning a succession of international awards for her work. The president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, has not so far commented on her resignation.

CBS News -Amazon Defender Quits Ruling Party In Brazil, May Run For Presidency

Amazon Defender Quits Ruling Party In Brazil, May Run For Presidency

The 51-year-old Marina Silva says she will likely join the Green Party, which recently invited her to be its presidential candidate to push the issue of sustainable development
(AP) A former Brazilian environment minister who is a famed campaigner to protect the Amazon rainforest from development says she is leaving the governing Workers Party and may run for president next year.The 51-year-old Marina Silva says she will likely join the Green Party, which recently invited her to be its presidential candidate to push the issue of sustainable development.Silva's switch is a setback for President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva as he tries to boost the Workers Party for the 2010 elections in South America's biggest country. He is barred from seeking a third consecutive term and is backing chief of staff Dilma Rousseff for the party's presidential nomination

Marina Silva amplía oposición de izquierdas y ecologistas a Lula y Rousseff

Marina Silva amplía oposición de izquierdas y ecologistas a Lula y Rousseff
Los desacuerdos con Lula y Rousseff fueron evidentes mientras la ecologista se mantuvo en el Gobierno y durante los últimos días se ahondaron y se trasladaron al interior del PT

Eduardo Davis

La renuncia de Marina Silva al Partido de los Trabajadores (PT) y su posible candidatura a la Presidencia en 2010 ampliaron hoy el abanico de izquierdas y ecologistas que se oponen al mandatario brasileño, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.La pérdida sufrida hoy por el partido que Lula fundó en 1980 se puede proyectar sobre las presidenciales de octubre del 2010, para las que el jefe de Estado promociona como candidata a su ministra de la Presidencia, Dilma Rousseff, tenaz adversaria de Silva mientras ésta fue titular de Medio Ambiente.Silva, de 51 años, una ardiente defensora de la Amazonía, fue ministra de Medio Ambiente entre 2003 y 2008 y renunció en mayo del año pasado vencida por las "crecientes resistencias" que impedían "llevar adelante una agenda ambiental", según explicó entonces.Aunque no les puso nombre y apellido, esas "resistencias" estaban encarnadas por Lula y Rousseff, que desde 2006 promueven políticas de desarrollo de la Amazonía criticadas por los grupos ecologistas, la izquierda más radical y la propia Silva.Los desacuerdos con Lula y Rousseff fueron evidentes mientras la ecologista se mantuvo en el Gobierno y durante los últimos días se ahondaron y se trasladaron al interior del PT.La ex ministra y senadora se plegó a la oposición en las críticas y pedidos de renuncia del ex presidente de la república José Sarney a la presidencia del Senado por acusaciones de corrupción.Lula, por el contrario, forzó al PT a cerrar filas en torno a Sarney, un influyente líder del mayoritario Partido del Movimiento Democrático Brasileño (PMDB, centroderecha), del que espera apoyo a Rousseff en los comicios del 2010.Según fuentes del PT consultadas por Efe, "esa era la gota que faltaba" para que Silva abandonase la formación política y estudie si cede al coqueteo del Partido Verde (PV), que le propuso medirse a Rousseff en las presidenciales.El jefe de la bancada parlamentaria del PT, Alozio Mercadante, ha admitido que una candidatura de Silva "puede hacerle mucho daño" a Rousseff, quien pese al apoyo de Lula es resistida por amplios sectores del partido, al que se afilió en 1999.Más claro aún lo dijo el senador Eduardo Suplicy, otro histórico dirigente del PT, quien afirmó hoy que "será muy difícil tener que elegir entre Dilma y Marina" si ambas postulan a la jefatura de Estado.En los movimientos sociales, que forman la base política del PT, la posible candidatura opositora de Silva también fue bien recibida."Vemos a Marina con mucha, mucha simpatía", declaró el líder del combativo Movimiento Sin Tierra (MST), Joao Pedro Stédile, un duro crítico de las políticas ambientales de Lula y Rousseff.Además de su militancia, Silva tiene una historia tan cDEFANGED_Onmovedora como la de Lula, quien salió de la pavorosa pobreza del nordeste del país para entrar en las luchas sindicales y llegar a la Presidencia.Nacida en el aislado Breu Velho, un poblado amazónico cercano a la frontera con Bolivia, Silva sobrevivió del caucho, la caza y la pesca al igual que sus once hermanos, tres de los cuales murieron siendo niños.Se alfabetizó a los 16 años y sufre problemas de salud desde pequeña debido a males tropicales y otros congénitos, provocados por la contaminación de los ríos con el mercurio usado en la minería ilegal.Las posibles candidaturas de Silva y Rousseff le darían un inédito toque femenino a las presidenciales del 2010, para las que el favorito hasta ahora es el opositor José Serra, gobernador de São Paulo.A ellas podría sumarse la aguerrida marxista Heloísa Helena Lima, una ferviente crítica del Gobierno de Lula expulsada del PT en 2003, que en las presidenciales del 2006 obtuvo un 7% de los votos y puede ser otra vez candidata del Partido Socialismo y Libertad (PSOL).Según una reciente encuesta, Serra encabeza las preferencias con un 37%, seguido por Rousseff (20%), el socialista Ciro Gomes (15%) y Heloísa Helena (12%).Marina Silva, que fue incluida por primera vez en un sondeo, apareció con solo el 3%.No obstante, según la encuestadora Datafolha, su posibilidad real puede ampliarse en función de los apoyos que logre cuando formalice su candidatura.Por lo pronto, el carismático cantautor y ex ministro de Cultura Gilberto Gil dijo estar dispuesto a integrar la fórmula de Silva, como candidato a vicepresidente del PV.

segunda-feira, 17 de agosto de 2009

Jos van Dijk-Utrecht, The Netherlands

Dear green friends,

Marina Silva has already taken the lead in the global green movement. We will be happy to wellcome her as a major member in the green party in Brazil. With her background she can give the greens around the world the necessary spirit to continu the struggle against global warming, poverty and injustice.

Jos van Dijk
delegate in the European Green Party for the dutch greens
Utrecht, The Netherlands

quinta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2009

Vivek Ananthan-USA


It is indeed a great news that Marina is coming.

She is very very welcome to the greens of not only Brazil but also of the world.

Vivek Ananthan, International Committee Of the Green Party Of US.

quarta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2009

Pete Davis-New Zealand

Dear Brazilian Greens -

We strongly support your campaign to get Senator Marina Silva to stand for the Green Party of Brazil.
We understand that as former Minister of Environment she would add great value to the work of the Party and increase your visibility in the forthcoming elections.

Good luck
Pete Davis
peter davis
International Secretary
Green Party of Aotearoa ; New Zealand

Julia Willebrand,USA

Dear Senator Marina Silva,

Join the Global Greens. It is the future and you are needed.

With you as President the Green Party of Brazil will lead Brazil and the world to a sustainable future.

Come Marina!!! Vem Marina!!11


Julia Willebrand, Ed.D
Co-president, Federation of Green Parties of the Americas (FPVA)
212 877-5088

terça-feira, 11 de agosto de 2009

Dave SchwabGlenmont, USA

Dear Marina Silva,

I'm excited to hear that you are thinking of joining the Global Greenfamily and running for the presidency of Brazil. Protecting the Amazonrainforest is something that Greens around the world care passionatelyabout. Since the first time I heard about the massive destruction ofthe Amazon, I haven't been able to think about it without a feeling ofpain and powerlessness. But when I heard that you were thinking ofjoining the Greens to run for president, I felt something new - I felthope that we could stop this short-sighted, suicidal behavior, andthat I could do something about it, however tiny, by encouraging youto run.From reading the other letters that Greens around the world have sentyou, I know there are many more who feel the same hope I do. Ms.Silva, by running for president with the Greens, you will givemillions of people the same hope. You will also show the politiciansthat people are ready for strong action to protect our environment andadvance social justice, grassroots democracy and human rights.I wish you all the best and thank you for all that you do.


Dave SchwabGlenmont,
New York, USA

François Bédard-Canada


Por favor, junta el Partido Verde de Brasil!¡

Muchas gracias!

François BédardPartido verde del Canada, Asociacion de Québecco-fundador del primero partido ecologisto municipal del Canada "DéfiVert de Québec"

segunda-feira, 10 de agosto de 2009

Gregg JocoySimpsonville, SC, USA

Dear Ms. Silva,

The future seems so bleak at times. The deforestation, unthinkable damagebeing done to the planet's oceans, wars raging and human suffering make mefeel so sad. Then, just when I feel so low, I read that the Green Partyin Brazil is hoping for you to bring a bit of happiness into thisdifficult time by running for President of Brazil.I don't know if you, or other amazing leaders like you, fully understandthe impact you have on people when you run for office. When people likeyou run for office it gives people like me reason to keep on working forthe future that seems so difficult. It gives me faith that we can make adifference by hard work and loving action.You don't know me and I don't know you, but I know of you and your amazingwork to protect the Amazon and the people who live there. The entireglobe, even here in distant South Carolina, USA, will celebrate yourefforts. I sincerely hope that you will find strength to take on thisdifficult task from the warm wishes of Greens everywhere, and do theentirety of humanity the favor of running.

We need you.

In Peace,

Gregg JocoySimpsonville, SC, USA

Vlasta Toth-Croatia

Dear Marina Silva,

Please, join the Green Party of Brazil and thus become the part of big green family of the world.

in the name of Green List of Croatia,
Vlasta Toth, female co-chair and
Mile Sokolic, male co-chair

sexta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2009

Isabelle Antunes Bridge- UK

Dear Marina,Greetings from the UK and our best wishes for success in the environmental fight in Brazil, which is so important for the whole world! I hope that your Green party comes to make a massive positive difference and that it has achieves great success.

Come Marina!

Isabelle Antunes Bridge (UK)

Frank Habineza-President, Steering CommitteeAfrican Greens Movement

On Behalf of African Greens, we would like to support the Brazil Green Party's position to request Former Minister of Environment, Ms Marina, to join the Green Party.
We have seen her strong efforts in saving Amazon forest, and her capacity to live beyond the pressures that followed that.
We think she will indeed be a great asset to the Brazil Green Party
I would also like countries to send support messages to Brazil Green Party on this email:

Come Marina, Vem Marina

Best Regards
Frank Habineza
President, Steering CommitteeAfrican Greens Movement

Fatima Alaoui-Morocco

Chère Marina Nous vous souhaitons un vif succès et nous vous prions de nous associer à vos actions Car les problèmes des régions isolées au Brésil et en Afrique sont les mêmes Nous souhaitons que puissiez promouvoir un partenariat avec le Maroc et l’ensemble de l Afrique . Fatima Alaoui secrétaire général Parti des Verts Maroc

Dear Marina We wish you great success and we ask you to join your shares because the problems of remote areas in Brazil and Africa are the same, we hope that can promote a partnership with Morocco and the whole of Africa .

Fatima Alaoui Moroccansgreens Party of the Greens for the development First Party ecologist in Morocco Izeguezawan created 29 /9/92

quinta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2009

Shuji Imamoto-Japan

Dear Senator Marina Silva,

I am a leader of ECOLO Japan, a Greens network for sustainable society.
I am strongly expecting you to be a member of Worldwide Greens,
and collaborate each other for the world’s sustainable development.

Last year I went to Sao Paulo to attend the Global Greens conference,
where I was shocked to hear the serious situation on deforestation
of Amazon rainforest.

This is not only a domestic environmental issue but also a world climate
and human crisis which reduces great amount of oxygen, instead
increases huge amount of CO2 in the planet.

To stop the deforestation and promote a counterpolicy, we Japan Greens
are anxious for your participation in our Green worldwide network,
then be active as a Green president candidate of Partido Verde Brazil.

For, Greens are the only political network all over the world that can
share the same ideas and concepts of a sustainable society, in the
form of “Global Greens Charter”.

If you join our Green family, your actions can possibly be supported
by the Green people all over the planet, then you can enjoy your political
challenge far more often and lively.
I wish your participation in Greens from the opposite side of the globe.


Shuji Imamoto

Leader and Secretary general
of ECOLO Japan (Japan Greens)

Asia Pacific Greens Network

Sanka- Sri Lankan

Dear Senator Silva,

Recently we have been alarmed by the news coming out on the destruction of world heritage Amazon rain forest in the last several decades as its implications have a world wide effect. We also as greens who want and work hardly to see a greener world for not only us but also for our grand children, are very interested in political developments in Latin America region.

Few days ago our Brazilian Green friends update us of the latest Brazilian political development of your possible candidacy for the president of the Brazilian green party. We are simply thrilled by this news and we as greens and Young Green Activists who has a global work span-want to see a women who came from one of the most isolated parts of Brazil and a one time winner of the prestige’s Sophie Prize in our Global Green Family.

We respect your strong willpower and dedication for your beliefs’ and action for the political dream you want to cherish. You are a true example for the courage of people who want to change the world. We greens by principally stand with Grassroots Democracy, Social and Economic Justice, Nonviolence, and Environmental Wisdom which according to our understanding and knowledge you too stand with. Entire planet is looking at the politics in Brazil right now and waiting till Brazil take the forefront of the fight to Save Amazon and the latin Americas invaluable eco systems for the sake of our future generations.
Henceforth, We are waiting to see you running for the presidential election of the Brazilian Green Party and sharing our Global Green Spirit and promote the concepts of Green world hear onwards which will enable Brazilian politics to change its direction towards a more eco friendly platform.
May you have all the support need in this time.

Sanka Chandima Abayawardena
Member of the Global Young Greens and ICMYO (Council of Europe) task Force for GYG
FCYG, Sri Lankan Greens and member of the APYGN

quarta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2009

Ury Eldar-Israel

Dear Sirs,

We are glad to response to your letter as you send on the matter of supporting Senator Marina Silva.
Our Party, Meretz, is a left wing party in Israel and we force a Environments rehabilitation in Israel and all over the world.
According our Principles, we will be happy to establish a strong connection between your Party and Senator Marina Silva.
Waiting to your response,

Yours Sincerely,

Ury Eldar
Social - Environment Forum

Ulrike Lunacek-Austria

Vem Marina!

Me da mucho placer a mi personalmente y a mi como co-portavoz del Partido Verde Europeo de apoyarle al PV do Brasil en su esfuerzo de invitarle a Ud a hacerse parte del PV para llevar adelante juntas y juntos la lucha politica, social y economica para el medio ambiente, la ecologia, y en especial la salvacion de la Amazonia. Nos encantaría tenerle a Ud como mujer, politica y luchadora para los mismos fines como parte de la "familia verde global". Espero que se pueda animar para dar este paso y luchar con nosotros/as a nivel nacional e internacional en los proximos anos. Le conoci en un Foro Social Mundial en Porto Alegre y me impacto mucho su lucha, su fuerza y su carisma. Sincera- y muy cordialmente

Ulrike Lunacek recien electa Diputada Europea Parlamentaria Nacional (1999-2009) en Viena, Austria.
MEP Maga. Ulrike Lunacek
Co-Spokesperson of the European Green Party

Suzanne LintonOutreach -USA

Dear Senator Marina Silva,

The Minnesota Green Party in the USA wants very much to see you be part of the great Global Green family. The Green Party every where on the globe is a viable alternative for the betterment and salvation of our globe and human race. Grassroots Democracy, Social and Economic Justice, Nonviolence, and Environmental Wisdom are what we stand for. I understand from your record with the Senate that you stand for these principals also. We would like you to join us.You have so much to still offer Brasil and the globe. Run for president of the Brasilian Green Party. The issue of climate change and environmental pollution is an emergency for the human race and the continance of life on our planet.With your knowledge and experience added to the high profile position in the Green Party of Brasil, it would bring these vital issues into a progressive position. There is a need to put as a priority stopping the destruction of the rain forests in Amazonia.Thank you. I hope so much that you step up and help advance the issues of the Green Party and be a part the applaudable Global Greens.

Suzanne LintonOutreach
ChairGreen Party Minnesota USA

Seija Nissinen Klaveness-Green Party of Norway

Dear senator Marina Silva,

The Norway Green Party would really like to see you to be part of great global green family.We ask you to run for President in Brasilian Green party and put on the agenda the environment debate and call the attention for the Amazon Forest destruction.

Best wishes,

Seija Nissinen Klaveness

International contactThe Green Party of Norway

Pura Peris-Espanha

Mi nombre es Pura Peris ( Valencia España): soy miembro de la dirección política de Los verdes, confederación española de partidos verdes (partido miembro de European Greens Party ) y me gustaría mostrar la total satisfacción que supondría para los verdes españoles, europeos y mundiales si Marina Da Silva se incorporara a esta gran familia verde de la que sin duda ya forma parte , por méritos propios, como lo evidencia su larga trayectoria en defensa del Amazonas y del derecho de los pueblos que la habitan a una vida digna.
Frente a la crisis global que nos atenaza a todos y todas vivamos donde vivamos y donde los derechos de los pueblos y la conservación del medio ambiente se ven cada vez más amenazados por las presiones del capital, contar con Marina da Silva en el proyecto de los verdes es no sólo un privilegio sino una garantía de que el cambio verde será una realidad en Brasil.
salud y ecología
let's go Marina!!
Pura Peris
responsable de relaciones institucionales
Los verdes-España- European Green party

Georg P Koessler-Germany

Hey Marina,

Green is the color of the future and you can continue your work asMinister of Environment when joining the Green Party of Brazil andbecome its front-runner. Help Brazil stay green in the Amazon andbecome greener in the urban centers. Be the new face of teh BrazilianGreens, they need you!

Cheers from Germany,

Georg P KoesslerMember Steering Committee of the Global Young Greens

Juan Manuel Velasco-Argentina

Estimada Mariana:

Mi nombre es Juan Manuel Velasco y soy el Portavoz del PartidoIniciativa Verde de Argentina.Está muy bueno lo que están haciendo y, ya que estamos tan cerca, nosencantaría contactarnos con Uds y hasta coordinar acciones comunes.Por favor, mandame mayor información o alguna dirección de página webo de blog para saber más de ustedes.Todavía no tenemos confirmación de la fecha de realización delCongreso de la Federación, pero es bueno intentar vernos.Para más información nuestra podés ingresas a nuestra pá

Un fuerte abrazo verde.

Juan Manuel Velasco

Elizabeth May-Canada

Dear Marina Silva,

I first met you when you were working as a rainforest activist back in the 1980s. Neither of us were then in politics. Now I am the leader of the Green Party of Canada and I have watched with great admiration as you brought your dedication to the Lula government. I grieved at your resignation as Minister of Environment. It was the brave thing to do. It was the right thing to do. Please allow me to add my small voice to those of other Greens urging you to come to the Green Party of Brazil. We all need you.

In solidarity,

Elizabeth May,

O.C.LeaderGreen Party of CanadaOttawa, Canada

German Tedesco

Querida Marina,

El mundo te necesita del mismo modo que necesita reparar el daño hecho a la Selva Amazónica, pulmón de la Tierra. Sólo con personas como tú, con tu valía y empeño podremos crear una conciencia global que posibilite conjuntar movimientos sociales en todo el mundo desde una propuesta ecológica comprometida con la eliminación de la pobreza extrema y la reversión de los gastos militares aplicándolos a trabajar contra todas las guerras y a conseguir una paz duradera universal.

German Tedesco

Juan Behrend

Hi Roberta and Marco,

This would be an outstanding event not just for you but for all theinternational green community. We will send this around as soon apossible to get reactions and mails send to the adress you areindicating. We will contact all European Party green party leaders,international secretaries and EG delegates as well as the people ofthe Green Group in the EP.If the reactions are not so quick as we wold desire it is because alot of people are in the middle of their hollydays.

Best greetings

Juan Behrend

Jean Cloutier-Canada

Chère Marina, Dear Marina,
Please come to the Green Party of Brazil to lead one of the best organized Green Party in the World since they organized the last Global Green in Sao Paulo May 2008 which was a success because we have updated a new Global Green Chart and adopted new proposals to live better and greener on our Planet. Be the Obama of Brazil who will change the world: Yes you can!

Oui Marina, tu peux changer le monde en adhérant au Parti vert du Brésil! Vas-y!! Soies la Obama du Brésil qui changera le monde!

Jean Cloutier
former Québec-Canada delegate at Global Green Sao Paulo 2008
fomer chairman-president of Québec Region for Green Party of Québec
former president of Québec Association of Green Party of Canada
former candidate for mayor for the municipal green party Le Défi Vert de Québec
former member of the International Committee of Green Party of Canada
Chairman of the ANNUAL MEETING OF THE FEDERATIOON OF GREEN PARTIES OF AMERICAS (FPVA) in Québec City November 2008 and delegate for Canada at FPVA

terça-feira, 4 de agosto de 2009

Lets Go Marina

Lets Go Marina

Dear Friends,The Green Party of Brazil is going through a very important moment and we need help from all of you. We are trying to bring to the Green Party of Brazil, Senator Marina Silva, former Minister of Environment. Some meetings have been held to examine the viability of her coming and she was very interested in the proposal. We know that the international community has a high admiration for her work and dedication to environmental causes. Thus, we would like to ask to each green, around the world, to help us in the campaign that we are launching: "Lets go Marina."In 2010 we will have elections in Brazil and we are fighting for Mariana to run for President in our party and put on the agenda the environment debate and call the attention for the Amazon Forest destruction. We are asking for our greens, in each country, to s end an email (at this address: with your name and country, demanding her to be part of this great global green family. The email may be in English or Spanish. The greens in Brazil are making a small step that will place large global impact. We are acting locally and count on you to make this a global action.Thank you!

Best Regards,